Religious Education (Grades K-5)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word works to bring the word of God to young children. During Children’s Liturgy of the Word, young children, preschool through first grade, leave the sanctuary before the Liturgy of the Word to hear the scripture readings proclaimed and explained at an age-appropriate level. Adults and teen volunteers are also needed to help facilitate this important ministry. This ministry is available at the 11 am Sunday Mass throughout the school year. Contact Ellin Heidgerken for more information at
Faith Formation (Grades K-5)
During faith formation classes, children in kindergarten through fifth grade learn more about Jesus and their Catholic faith. The hope is that each child develops a personal relationship with Jesus and deepens that relationship as they grow older. Classes are held on Sunday mornings 9:30-10:45 am throughout the school year. Adult and teen volunteers are needed to serve as catechists and classroom assistants. Training, materials, and support will be provided by the parish.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
In the Diocese of Richmond, the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Fist Holy Communion are celebrated during second grade. We can customize a curriculum (Reconciliation and Communion) for older students and transfers as needed. Classes meet during the school year on Sundays from 9:45-10:45 am as part of faith formation.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a fun-filled, weeklong summer camp for children aged 4 through rising fifth grade during the summer. Adult and teen volunteers are always needed to join the team to help pull off this wonderful week. VBS 2025 will be held Monday June 16-Thursday June 19, 9-12. The cost is only $20.
Mass Participation
If you are not attending Mass with your children, it is almost impossible for us to help them form a relationship with Jesus. Please continue to pray with your children and ensure that they know the prayers appropriate for their age level. We encourage you to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation with your children. Thus, your good example will lead them to value our faith in practice.
Volunteers are needed for all of our Youth Christian Formation programs.
To participate or volunteer in Youth Christian Formation ministries, contact Patricia Richman at
*All ministries with children and youth require adults to undergo background check & Virtus training (Diocesan Safe Environment Training).