Special Liturgical Occasions

Funeral liturgies are special occasions in the Church to honor the death of our loved ones. At our parish, the liturgical coordinator meets with the families of the deceased to prepare readings and liturgical music for the funeral rites. If your family has experienced a loss, please contact the parish office to set up a time to meet with the liturgical coordinator. 

Holy Matrimony 
Wedding ceremonies in the Catholic Church are liturgical celebrations; therefore, it is important for engaged couples to plan their union with appropriate readings and liturgical music.  If you are preparing for Holy Matrimony at the parish, please contact the parish office to meet with the priest and to set up a time to meet with the liturgical coordinator. Learn more here.

Encounter with Christ First Fridays 
Each month, parishioners are invited to a dedicated time of encounter with our Lord through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, celebration of the Mass, and Eucharistic Adoration. Reconciliation is available from 4-5 pm, Mass is at 5 pm, and Adoration follows from 6-7 pm. You may choose to encounter Christ in any of these three opportunities that you wish to attend. 

First Saturday Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima 
As directed by the Blessed Mother to Sts. Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinto Marto, our parish community gathers each First Saturday of the month to pray the Rosary at 4 pm before the Vigil Mass. 

Soup Suppers & Vespers 
On the Wednesdays of Lent, several ministries offer Soup Supper at 5:15 pm followed by Evening Vespers. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet & greet fellow parishioners over a meal and prayer. 

Stations and Adoration
Friday nights during Lent, the parish offers Stations of the Cross followed by Eucharistic Adoration and night prayer. Spend time meditating on the Passion of our Lord every Friday from 5:30-7 pm and throughout Lent. 

Young Adult Prayers & Pints 
Young Adults, post college to 40, are invited to join us one Friday a month at 6 pm for a half hour of Eucharistic Adoration followed by drinks at a local brewery. Dates are released throughout the year.